Applications - Storyboard

Build a Software Quality Assurance Program – Phases 1-4

Your QA practice defines an actionable series of steps to validate and verify your products. This practice instills confidence that you have your stakeholders' needs in...

The AI Advantage for Smarter Marketing – A Primer Executive Brief

AI in marketing has unlimited use cases but requires thoughtful implementation. Marketers should focus on growth and retention first. Use AI for data-driven decisions.

Generative AI Use Cases for Marketing, Sales, and Customer Service Storyboard

Use this storyboard to learn the high-level use cases and potential challenges of generative AI technology for marketing, sales, and customer service.

Identify the Customer Satisfaction Metrics That Matter Storyboard

This blueprint will help customer success and marketing leaders understand what they need to measure to get an accurate picture of customer satisfaction levels and how to...

Build Your AI Business Case Storyboard

AI is one of the hottest topics in IT history. Many want to reap its benefits, but unknowns are rampant, making success difficult to achieve. Help your organization enter...

Capitalizing on AI – Phases 1-3

The Capitalizing on AI storyboard will guide you in how to select AI initiatives that are golden opportunities, focusing on those that have a high value and that your...

Build a Value Measurement Framework Storyboard

Value drivers are actionable success factors that align to enterprise goals. This blueprint gives you a balanced value framework to prioritize project, product, and...

Protect Your Organization's Online Reputation Storyboard

Protect your corporate reputation and online presence from threats using Info-Tech’s six-step framework.

Match Your Budget to Your Market Position – Phases 1-2

This deck helps CMOs review budgets, create forward-looking strategies, prioritize spend, and pivot to low-effort, high-return campaigns. It's the perfect tool for CMOs...

Empower Solution Delivery With the Right CoP, CoE, and C4E Model Storyboard

Use this tool to assess the best option for your team collaboration and knowledge management: Center of Excellence (CoE), Center for Enablement (C4E) or Community of...
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