Case Studies

Case Study: Return-to-the-Workplace Playbook

Refer to this case study for an example of a return-to-the-workplace plan.

Case Study: Practical, Right-Sized DRP

Use this example to understand the governance and incident response components of a DRP and to show that your DRP project does not need to be as onerous as imagined.

Apps Rationalization Case Study of Olmsted Medical Center

Olmsted Medical Center recruited Info-Tech Research Group to conduct an on-site workshop to kickstart its long-term application rationalization process. During the...

Data Architecture Case Study of Olmsted Medical Center

Olmsted Medical Center provides healthcare to communities in southern Minnesota via a centralized hospital and 13 clinical locations. Olmsted has recently implemented an...

DRP Case Study of a Mid-Sized Credit Union

A highly-virtualized credit union located in the eastern US has made great strides in building redundancy in the main data center. However, apart from two major...

DRP Case Study of a Global Chemical Manufacturing Firm

The Americas IT department of a global chemical manufacturing firm had made significant strides in building redundancy and resiliency within the environment. However,...

IT Strategy Case Study of a Large Electric Utility

As a result of an audit, a large electrical utility in the US sought to mature its approach to IT strategy by evolving it into an effective, repeatable, and auditable...

DRP Case Study of a Large Tourism Complex

A large American tourism complex had some system backup capabilities, but no disaster recovery plan (DRP). The data center was housed in a 90-year-old wooden building...

IT Strategy Case Study of a Mid-Sized Municipal Government

The IT department of a mid-sized municipality wanted to build its strategic competency, but the team was of the habit of thinking and operating in tactical mode the...

Portfolio Management Case Study of Mid-Sized Credit Union

The IT spending of a medium-sized credit union with 20 IT staff was inversely proportional to the strategic priorities of the company at large. Aligning spending with...
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