Security - Research Notes

Custom Vendor Landscape: Brand Protection Software

Brand protection software assists organizations with guarding against fraudulent use of product listings, websites, and other aspects that infringe intellectual property....

Custom Vendor Landscape: Third-Party Risk Management Solutions Second Edition

Info-Tech defines Third-Party Risk Management as a solution that evaluates and monitors of risk of third-party vendors, contractors and consultants.

Custom Vendor Landscape: XDR Solutions

XDR is empowering organizations to not only prevent cyberattacks, but to also ensure they have efficient and effective security processes in place. By providing...

Custom Vendor Landscape: Third-Party Risk Management Solutions

Third-party risk management (TPRM) solutions identify, manage, and mitigate risks related to third parties, including vendors, suppliers, partners, contractors, and...

Privacy Regulation Roundup

This Privacy Regulation Roundup summarizes the latest major global privacy regulatory developments, announcements, and changes. This report is updated on a monthly basis.

Huawei and Canada’s Recent 5G Ban: Your Supply Chain Could Still Be at Risk

This technology brief will describe Huawei’s history and its current technology focus, possible cause for concerns based on multiple allegations, and finally how use of...

Budget 2022: Support for Canadian Federal Government Departments and Agencies for Cybersecurity and Fighting Misinformation

Canada’s 2022 Federal Government budget outlined increases in spending for cybersecurity improvements. How those funds are used to protect Canadian departments and Crown...

Mitigate Cyber Risks During the Russia-Ukraine Conflict

Review this publication for a summary of cyber risks related to the Russia-Ukraine conflict, nation-level and Info-Tech cyber-defense recommendations, and resources to...

Log4Shell: Assess and Mitigate Your Exposure to This Critical Zero-Day

Read our Log4Shell summary report to better understand this critical zero-day exploit, how you might be affected, and what immediate action you can take.

Discover and Classify Your Data – Executive Brief

Read this Executive Brief to understand why data classification is an initiative for the entire organization and how this blueprint can help simplify the process.
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