• How should I navigate the website?

    Best Practices Research

    All of our content is listed in this section. In order to become familiar with the type of research we have available, you may want to start exploring research from this section of the site.

    All Research –
    all research can be found in this section
    All Research

    Topics –
    Our research has been assigned under these three areas - application, infrastructure or strategy & leadership – select the area which is most reflective of your role.

  • CIO
  • Security
  • Applications
  • Infrastructure & Operations
  • Project & Portfolio Management
  • Data and Business Intelligence
  • Enterprise Architecture
  • Vendor Management
  • Predicting The Future

  • Types of Content –
    Our research is written based off of IT challenges that you are trying to address and solve. We take a project, break it down into steps and then provide you with the tools you need to get each step done. Our primary and secondary research provides you with best practices from your peers.
    Solution Sets

    Benchmarking Programs –
    Our instant custom benchmarking compares your budget and staffing with those of your peers, including companies in similar industries and of similar size.
    IT Budget Metrics
    Staffing Metrics

  • I'm an account administrator. How can I add or remove people from our company's membership?

    Click on the My Account link at the top right corner of the screen. Here you can add or remove people from your company's multi-seat membership. If you have questions, you can always call 1-888-670-8889 (US) or 1-844-618-3192 (CAN).

  • I'd like to use my mobile to access your content.

    Get technology research, tools, insight, and advice right on your mobile device. Take research on the go with your iPhone and iPod touch, or enjoy the enhanced Info-Tech App.

  • What's a Solution Set?

    A solution set is a collection of best practices research that solves a particular problem, for example if you're looking to virtualize your servers, there's a Solution Set for that.

  • What's a Solution Map?

    A solution map is a collection of sets that cover a comprehensive area of research. An example of this is our Server and Storage Virtualization solution map which has several solution sets which answer your needs.

  • What's in My Content?

    Once you have a research planning call with an analyst, your research service plan will be posted to your My Content section of the site.

  • What's a research planning call and research service plan?

    A Research Planning Call (RPC) gives you the opportunity to speak with an expert about your priorities and projects. You will work together with an analyst to create a research service plan for using our research over the course of your membership to ensure you get maximum results. After your RPC, you receive a custom planning document that connects your initiatives to our research, specifically selected for you by your analyst, to help you achieve your objectives. You can find this custom planning document on the My Content section of the website.

    To book a RPC, contact your account manager.

  • What's My Library and how do I use it?

    My Library is your own personal collection of research. On each page with the blue action bar (the one with all the icons, to the right of the page content), click the My Library button to bookmark what you're reading.

    Use the My Library link at the top of the page to open your library page. You can create different categories to sort your research, move things around between categories, and delete items you no longer need.

    Your library items also show up on the My Content home page for easy access.

  • How can I manage my account information? I need to change my email address and phone number.

    Click on the My Account link at the top right corner of the screen. Your My Account page is where you can update any of your personal information and review your memberships.

  • Where's My Library and My Account?

    In the upper right hand corner of the page you'll find both your Library, and your Account pages (right next to the welcome message).

  • Where's my Info-Tech Advisor Premium (ITAP) research?

    All of your ITAP research can be found in the Applications and Infrastructure area of the site.

  • Where's my IT Governance (McLean Report) research

    IT Governance is now called Strategy and Leadership. We've also created Solution Sets for some common Strategy problems.

  • How can I tailor my search results?

    By making a few modifications, outlined below, you can tailor your search results.

    Find web pages that have...

    ...any of these words: Seperate each word with a space. The following example would look for all pages containing one or more of the supplied words. Example: fork spoon knife

    ...all of these words: Use the plus (+) sign. The following example would look for all pages containing all of the supplied words, not necessarily in the order provided. Example: fork+spoon+knife

    ...this exact wording or phrase: Use quotes to surround your phrase. The following example would look for all pages containing the exact phrase, "forks and knives". Example: "forks and knives"

    But don't show pages that have...

    ...any of these unwanted words: Use a space and a minus (-) sign before each unwanted word. The following example would look for all pages containing spoon, and ignore those containing spoon, knife and fork. Example: spoon-knife-fork

    ...this exact phrase: Combine the quotes and minus sign implementations from the examples above. The following example would look for all pages that contain spoon, but not the phrase "knife and fork". Example: spoon -"knife and fork"

    Why do decimals wreak havoc on my search term?
    Treated as a query term separator unless it is part of a number (for example, 250.01). For example silver.spoon is equivalent to "silver spoon" with quotes in the query. The term silver spoon is not equivalent to silver spoon (without quotes).
    If a document contains a number, with or without a decimal point, that has letters immediately before or after it, the letters are treated as a separate word or words. For example, the string 802.11a is indexed as two separate words, 802.11 and a

    What about the underscore?
    An underscore is not a query term separator. For example, if you search for fork_and_spoon, the only valid search result is a document that contains the exact phrase, fork_and_spoon. A search for fork or spoon will not return the fork_and_spoon result.

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